Email Marketing

Many business today are distracted by the multitude of marketing channels.

Email is still king

In terms of ROI, email still gives you the largest return compared to any other form of marketing. For every dollar, you invest, you get 36 back. That’s an astounding, 3600% ROI. Not many o her investments give those kinds of returns.

Astonishingly, marketing emails have a 0.1% unsubscribe rate worldwide. With a stat like that, once you capture someone’s email address, you’ll have them for life.

So whether you want a drip campaign or a lead gen, we got you.

Our 3 Rules for Effective Emails

  • Make a personal connection: email is an intimate medium. You have access to something, people check up to five times a day. When we email your prospects we talk to them as people and not another mark.

  • 80 percent content 20 percent promotion: Nowadays, everyone is constantly inundated with marketing messages. You want to make sure you give your prospects plenty of useful and actionable information that they can use immediately.

  • Always be testing: You never know what’ll work until you test it. Even a different subject line can dramatically change open rates. With email, this is easy to do. You can even test different emails with a portion of your list.